Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dr. Pepper-flavored memories

Earlier in the hour, as I was sipping my Diet Dr. Pepper, a break from my normal Diet Coke with Lime, I wondered, "What are the 23 secret flavors?" After nearly 8 full minutes of research, I found this list on listafterlist.com. I wonder if it's right?

the 23 flavors/ingredients of the famous Dr. Pepper soda secret...

1. Amaretto
2. Almond
3. Blackberry
4. Black Licorice
5. Carrot
6. Clove
7. Cherry
8. Caramel
9. Cola
10. Ginger
11. Juniper
12. Lemon
13. Molasses
14. Nutmeg
15. Orange
16. Prune
17. Plum
18. Pepper
19. Root Beer
20. Rum
21. Raspberry
22. Tomato
23. Vanilla


And this post brought back a rush of middle school sensory memories... remember Dr. Pepper Lip Smackers? I think I had that flavor, although the best flavor was Vanilla Frosting. It tasted like pound cake.

And look at this! I just went to the Lip Smackers website, and it says that with every purchase you get a FREE Dr. Pepper Topper! (What is a topper, you might ask? It is a keychain that "fits on the cap of any Lip Smacker so you can take it with you wherever you go!"

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