Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gavin Potenza: The Stamps of the World

As seen on Grain Edit today. I just really really love stamps, especially ones that are really really ridiculously good-looking, like these by Gavin Potenza, the "Portland Stamp Champ." He has something called A Field Guide to: The Stamps of the World. I might add it to my Christmas list, along with polaroid photography books, tennis shoes, and jumpers and sweater dresses from Forever 21.

Today I was working on a linoleum block for our Christmas card and thinking that I need to see what kind of Christmas stamps the post office has. Which one should I get?

Awhile back, mom got me a book of the Eames stamps!! Plus some great vintage cards with very stylized girls on them with feathers and buttons. I want to frame all of them ---there are about 12 of them.


Anna Caruso Hayden said...

go for the boticelli. see you guys at thanksgiving???

Sarah Robins said...
