Thursday, January 19, 2017

Make it: Aluminum foil relief. Key concepts: line, texture, space. Materials: smooth-surfaced glue-line relief, lots of old newspapers, paper towels, gold printmaking ink or shoe polish, fine grade steel wool. // This project builds on the previous one. After you pull your print (step 6 in previous post), continue with the following steps to make your relief really shine. // 1. While the ink is still slightly tacky on plate, use newspaper to remove excess by pressing one sheet at a time with your hand or brayer. 2. When no more ink is visible on the newspaper, gently use a damp, folded paper towel to wipe the plate and remove excess ink, except from indented areas. When no more ink shows on paper towels, use dry folded paper towels to burnish the plate. Ink should remain in the indented lines. 3. Use your fingertip to sparingly dab the gold ink or shoe polish on the plate. You can then burnish again with paper towel or steel wool. // Project idea from Emphasis Art by Frank Wachowiak.

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